If you’re in a professional, the chances of your work causing someone physical damage or harm are remote, but you could still be sued for not living up to your part of a contract or if your services caused a client to lose money.

The costs of defending against a lawsuit of that type can quickly mount, even if you win. Those costs would have to be borne out of pocket if you didn’t have the appropriate insurance.

The costs of not carrying professional liability insurance in many services trades can be a disaster to your finances as a lawsuit can catch you by surprise, even for work that you may have done years ago.

Let us be your professional liability advisors.

Related Products & Solutions


Business Owners Policy

As a business owner, you strive to make decisions that are right for your business, your employees and yourself. This includes decisions about business insurance.

Management Package

Corporate liability claims are becoming increasingly expensive to manage. We can provide a solution with policy that includes directors and officers liability, employment practices liability, fiduciary liability,
and crime coverages.

General Liability

General liability, also known as “commercial liability insurance” is a broad commercial insurance policy that covers general liability exposures of a business.